It’s been a while since I posted my last blog. It’s so hot here in LA!
I worked as a private chef in east coast before I moved to LA. The client (I refer to him as C) I used to work for only eats organic vegan food that’s been made under his supervision. He doesn’t eat any garlic or onion family and other several vegetables, which made me creative. I met some nice people, had a great experience and it’s still a good memory.
I worked part time and there was a full time chef/assistant for that client. (I refer to her as S). A few days ago, S texted me out of the blue saying that they are in California! C is attending a wedding in Newport beach and they are staying until Sunday. It’s only 45 minutes drive from here!
“I have some free time besides a little cooking. You wanna come visit us?”
“I’m coming!”
I made some coconut macaroons the C’s favorite. It’s so easy to make but will satisfy you especially if you are a coconut lover.

Since they are flying back to east coast on Monday, I went to visit them on Sunday. It’s only 45 minutes away but wow, it’s such a resort-like destination! They were staying at a community with many amenities including kitchen, pool, BBQ area, beach volleyball court, basketball court, etc. It’s perfect for a big group fun! Look at the view from there.

We spent time watching surfers and chatting at Laguna beach. We had a blast!

すごく混んでいたし、食べるのに夢中で写真を撮り忘れましたが、ランチはStandという小さなビーガンスタンドで、アボカドサンドとコーンチャウダーと、その場でフレッシュルーツから作ってくれるパパイヤソフトサーブ。全部美味しかった〜。グルテンは食べないようにしている私ですが、そこのアボカドサンドイッチが有名ということと、全粒粉のパンだったので、食べてみました。パンパンにはならなかったよ!Sなんてアボカドアレルギーなのに、最近少しなら食べられるようになったと言って、アボカドサンドを食べていました。シェフ達の恐るべし食い意地! 湿疹出なかったかな?大丈夫かな?
I was so hungry that I forgot to take picture of our lunch. We went to “Stand” the vegan stand and I had an avocado sandwich, corn chowder and their made-to-order papaya soft serve. They were so fresh and delicious! I try to avoid gluten since I have a sensitivity but I had an avocado sandwich since they are famous for it. It was a whole wheat bread and it didn’t bother me, yay! S is even allergic to avocado but she ate one with avocado as well anyway. We sure love food! I hope she didn’t get rashes…
While S was making wedding dinner for C, he and I had a little walk inside the community. I left before the fireplace was lit but I bet it’s beautiful at night.

Cが準備をしている間、Sと一緒に結婚式会場までCのディナーをデリバリー。ちょうどデザートがなかったので私が作ったマカルーンも忍ばせて。でも、俺のマカルーン誰ともシェアしたくない!って、私たちに持たせたのはたったの2粒。そんなに好きでいてくれてありがとう。笑 ファンシーなホテルなので、きっとファンシーな盛り付けをしてくれたことでしょう。少ない方が高級に見えたりしてね。
While C was getting ready for the wedding, S and I delivered the food to the hotel where the wedding was being held. He didn’t have a dessert so we sneaked in my macaroons as well. It was perfect. We actually asked if he wanted to bring the macaroons. He didn’t want to share “his” macaroons with anybody so he had us bring only two. I’m happy that he likes them that much. It was a fancy hotel so I’m sure they plated the macaroons in a fancy way.
We then went shopping at an outside mall and I ended up buying 4 different kinds of chocolates. Wait, I’m trying to lose weight. Oh well, how could I resist? I found a new vegan chocolate line! Gotta try it. It’s a research!
We didn’t get hungry so I left without having dinner. It was a short time visit but I had a great time. We tried to convince C to buy a second house in the area so we can do this every year. I would definitely be his part time private chef again.
OK. Let’s get to the recipe now. There is a raw version of it but today, I’m posting a baked version so anyone can make it at home. None of the ingredients actually needs to be cooked. You just want to make the coconut toasty.
Gluten Free Vegan Coconut Macaroon 18pcs グルテンフリービーガンココナッツマカルーン
Ingredients 材料
- shredded coconuts 2cups シュレッドされたココナッツ 2と2/5カップ
- coconut butter 1/3cup ココナッツバター 2/5カップ
- maple syrup 4Tbsp メープルシロップ 大さじ4
- Himalayan pink salt a small pinch ヒマラヤンピンクソルト 軽くひとつまみ
- vanilla powder 1/4tsp バニラパウダー 小さじ1/4
- cinnamon 1/8tsp or more シナモン 小さじ1/8〜
Direction 作り方
- Melt the coconut butter on warm water bath and mix in the maple syrup. ココナッツバターを湯せんで溶かし、メープルシロップを加えて混ぜる。
- Mix the remaining ingredients and add in to the liquid. 残りの材料を全て混ぜ、上の液体と混ぜあわせる。
- Line a sheet pan with a silicon mat or parchment paper. 天板に、シリコンマットかパーチメントペーパーを敷いておく。
- Use a small ice cream scoop to make 18 scoops and bake at 350℉ for 8minutes. 小さなアイスクリームスクープで、18スクープ作ったら、177℃のオーブンで8分焼く。
Super easy, right?
I use this coconuts.

I use Artisana brand when making raw but I used this today.

メープルシロップは色が濃いほど栄養が残っていて、味も濃くて美味しいので、私はいつもgrade Bを使います。もっと細かく言うと、5つか6つに分けられるのですが、アメリカのスーパーでは基本的にAかB。ブランドによっても色、味が違います。私が今使っているのはこれ。アメリカで簡単に手に入るものです。
Darker the maple syrup, the more nutritious it is. There are actually 5 to 6 different grades but in the US, it’s usually A or B. The color and flavor varies depending on the brand. This is what I’ve been using lately.

I haven’t made these since I left the private chef job in March, 2014. I’m so looking forward to biting into it…yummmmmm!!!